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101 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Northeast Arkansas page 794
Thomas C. Hennessee is a son of G. C. and Sallie (Smith) Hennessee, of Warren County, Tenn., who emigrated to Wright County, Mo., in 1842, where Thomas was born March 20, 1844. In 1863 the family moved to Arkansas and located in Lawrence County, where the father died in 1880. He served in the Confederate army through the war, and was one of the raiders under Price during that general's daring exploits. The family consisted of four sons and three daughters, who grew to mature years, of whom two brothers and three sisters are yet living. Thomas C. Hennessee remained with his father on the farm until the latter joined the Confederate army, in 1861. In 1862 he enlieted in the Second Missouri Battalion of Cavalry, and served in that company until the close of the war. He was paroled and discharged at [p.794] Shreveport, La, on May 10, 1865, and returned to his home in Lawrence County. During his career in the army Mr. Henuessee has, no doubt, seen about as much fighting, and also done fully as much as any soldier at that pariod. He took part in the fights at Poison Springs, Marks' Mill, Jenkins' Ferry, and a great many skirmishes and fights of lesser note, but equally as hot as their predecessors. When he first joined the army, the battalion of which he was a member was composed of 476 men, and out of that number only seventy-four lived through the horrors of war to be paroled at its close. Mr. Hennessee received a gun-shot wound in one of his limbs, which disabled him for a time; and, on another occasion, was wounded by one of the guards, after being taken a prisoner, while walking over a log to cross a creek. On December 21, 1865, he was married to Miss Levira Bagley, of Arkansas, and then settled to a farm life with his bride. He came on his present place in December, 1870, and has cleared up about 160 acres, and built a fair house, out-buildings and all necessary adjuncts, besides a small orchard of wellselected fruits. He also owns another farm of 187 acres, with about sixty acres cleared up and a comfortable house built upon it, owning altogether some 400 acres of rich bottom land, situated about five miles northwest of Walnut Ridge. Mr. Hennessee was elected justice of Cache Township in 1874, and held the office continuously for twelve years. He is a Democrat in politics, and a strong adherent to the principles and doctrines of his party. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, and Mr. Hennessee is also a member of the Knights and Ladies of Honor. They have had five children born to them, all living. Their names are Martha, wife of J. S. Childers; Laura, wife of W. G. Duty; Joseph G., John H. and Sallie Anna. Mr. Hennessee started in life, after the war, without a dollar, and has accumulated his fine property by industry, economy and good management, and is now one of Lawrence County's solid men and enterprising citizens. 
Hennessee, Thomas C (I531)
102 Birth information was taken from a census, however I did not save the document. I have to go back and locate it, save it and source it. Harrison, Laura A. (I1028)
103 Birth was in present Jefferson County, Oklahoma, then a part of Pickens County, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory. Hennessee, Millie Freness (I783)
104 Burial lot 55 D reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma

Contact person for additional family burial lots 55 A, 55 E, 55 F, 85 C, 85 D, 85 E at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Contact person for additional family burial lots 75 C, 75 C, 75 E, 75 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Contact person for additional family burial lots 43 A, 43 B, 43 C, 43 D, 43 E, 43 F, 60 A, 60 B, 60 C, 60 D, 60 E, 60 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma, previously Callie Virginia Jones Rapstine's, transfered 2009 for use for any Jones, Harrison or Hennessee family who may need them.
Harrison, Sandra Lynn (I256)
105 Burrial lot 47 D reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Rodgers, Edna Sue (I339)
106 Burrial lot 51 E reserved at Pecan Cemetary, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma

Contact person for additional family burrial lots 51 D at Pecan Cemetary, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. 
Clower, Juanita Faye (I754)
107 Burrial lot 56 B reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Rodgers, Clarence Wayne (I315)
108 Burrial lot 56 D reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma

Contact person for additional family burrial lots 56 E, 56 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. 
Rodgers, Lynda Kay (I316)
109 Burrial lot 74 A reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma

Daughter Kristy Raffety (Bonner) contact person for additional family burrial lots 74 E, 74 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. 
Bonner, Baron Paul (I325)
110 Burrial lot 74 B reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Woods, Fonda June (I327)
111 Burrial lot 74 C reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Bonner, Lester Leon (I326)
112 Burrial lot 74 C reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Petersen, Terry (I374)
113 Burrial lot 75 B reserved at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma
Harrison, Charles Leon (I269)
114 California Death Index 1940 - 1997 indicates Harvey A. Jones drowned in a lake in California and his mother's maiden name was Anthony. Jones, Harvey Aubene (I338)
115 Cassie Belle Harrison Bevis said his name was Marlin. Woods, Marvin (I1157)
116 Certificate of Death - Transcribed by Laura Viola (Harrison) Rodgers

Deceased: Callie A. Harrison
Address: 1407 J. St. Phone: (El) 353-8267
County: Comanche
Place of Death: Memorial Hospital, Aug 31, 1965
Sex: Female
Color: White
Birth: 2-28-1890 - 75 years - 6 mo.
Occupation: Housewife
Birthplace: Addington Ok
Fathers Name: Jake Hennessee
Mothers Name: Victoria Rodgers
Disease or cause of death: Heart failure
Autopsy: No
Husband: Liss A. Harrison
Married: Velma Ok 1905
Time of Slection: 8: A.M.
Clothing: from Beckers: Orchid dress
Doctor: Dr. L. White
Time of Death: 2:40 P.M.
Nurses Present: N. Olsen R.N., P. Atkins R. N.
Funeral Services: 9th & Lee, Church of God: Rev. Jackie Bridges

Beckers Funeral Home - Bill Transcribed by Larua Viola (Harrison) Rodgers

8-31-65 (Died) 1407 J. St.
9-2-65 (Burial)
Complete Professional Care, personal services and directory service, including 6/6 # 2610 Nickel Glendale. First call to hospital & residence: Funeral coach, family car, equipment car. Use of Chapel & facilities: Personal & equip care & placement of flowers: All funeral arrangements. $735.00
Wilbert Cement box $65.00
345 orchid dress, Underclothse and hose $32.65
Amp. subject to tax $302.65
Less benefits from burial policy $200.00
Amp. subject to discount $602.65
State Sales Tax $9.63
Family flowers $35.70
Less 5% discount on 119.50 for cash $5.98
Total footing of bill less 5% discount $647.98

Hair: soft waves, no part, bun in back, fluffy & stands up on top.
Embalmed by: T.W. & D.R.
Take memory back to residence of Archie Harrison by P.A. Becker.
Informants: Children
Buried: Pecan Cemetery

Singers: Loyd Mabry Pallbearers: (Grandsons)
June Vance Wayne Hennessee
Kathy Clark Wayne Harrison
Organist: Claudine Bridges Charles Harrison
Preacher: Jackie Bridges Keith Harrison
Songs: Precious Memory Larry Rodgers
No Tears in Heaven William Jones

DAR file number 840385 and death certificate show Callie's birth place as Addington, Oklahoma, however I had in my records Indian Territory, Addington, Oklahoma. Addington was not incorporated as a town until 1901, 11 years after her birth. I need to order a copy of her birth certificate to confirm this.

I also need to see if I can confirm the difference between the place of their marriage from my record of Mud Flat, Indian Territory, Oklahoma and the DAR record of Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory. 
Hennessee, Callie Adeline (I260)
117 Chancery Court Records, Book 1 (1847-1854), Page 484-486
George Harrison, Administrator of the Estate of Audley Harrison, Deceased
Joseph Harrison and others 
Harrison, Hannah L. (I652)
118 Charles is buried between Claude N. Hennessee and Clyde Hennessee who pasted away in 2005. Claude has a head stone but Clyde and Charles graves are unmarked as of 2006.

Laura Viola (Harrison) Rodgers Family Record:
The Harrison Quartet with Bill, Leon, Archie and Buster Harrison sang at Charlie's funeral. 
Hennessee, Charlie (I361)
119 Charlie remarried after Belle died and he had children with her. One of the children was Viva Lovett and lives in Marlow. Dove, Charlie (I810)
120 Clarence died of influenza. Rodgers, Clarence Alvia (I149)
121 Contact person for additional family burrial lots 32 C, 32 D, 32 E, 32 F, 47 A, 47 B, 47 C at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. Secondary contact is his daughter Vickie Arnold. Jones, William Franklin (I337)
122 Contact person for additional family burrial lots 69 A, 69 B, 69 C, 69 D, 69 E, 69 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. Harrison, Norman Wayne (I343)
123 Contact person for additional family burrial lots 74 E, 74 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. Bonner, Kristy June (I328)
124 Contact person for additional family burrial lots 78 F at Pecan Cemetery, Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. Hennessee, Alford Truman (I364)
125 Cunningham DNA Project: Haplogroup I2b1 Cunningham, Captain John II (I1252)
126 Daniel was a Baptist preacher. He also was a Justice of the Peace in Warren County from 1861 to 1863.

"Chancery Court Records, Book 1" (1847-1854), Pg. 484-486, George Harrison, Administrator of the Estate of Audley Harrison, Deceased vs.Joseph Harrison and others, states Daniel was named in his wife's father's will. 
Wiseman, Daniel Thomas (I864)
127 DAR file number 460666:
1870 Census Record for Texas County, Missouri indicates Thomas is the son of William and Millie Smith. 
Smith, Thomas Calhoun (I1171)
128 DAR file number 460666:
Millie was named in Audley Harrison's will.
I changed Millie's birth year from 1830 to 1827 after receiving a copy of DAR file.
DAR file indicates Millie was in Census Record for Warren County, Tennessee for 1820 and 1830, however 1820 would be before her 
Harrison, Millie (I837)
129 David died of Muscular Distrophy Hennessee, Glen David (I1037)
130 Death was 8 miles SW of Lawton as per his grand daughter Fonda Woods. This is believed to be Lawrence Townships where is father and son were living when the 1930 Census was taken. Woods, Isaac Nathan (I1033)
131 Died about 6 mo old. Juanita has a photo of her and Eural who was about 3. Dove, Velva (I811)
132 Died at 18 mo with whooping caugh Speir, Gladys (I965)
133 Died shortly after birth as per Hennessee Family History.
Hennessee, Jovida Ann (I1078)
134 Dobson Family Book indicates Thomas and Malinda had two additional children, Albert and Fannie. Hennessee, Thomas Jr. (I636)
135 Documentation: Frances middle initial is listed as "S" on her tombstone. Hennessee, Frances S. (I653)
136 During an interview with Alfred Hennessee in Lawton, Oklahoma in 2005, Alfred stated John was born about 1775. Hennessee, John (I708)
137 Elias Myers wasa Revolutionary War Soldier from North Carolina. Miars, Elias (I1474)
138 Elmina and Abraham had 9 children, as per Wiseman Family and Allied Lines and Hennessee Family History list the names of the nine children.
Hennessee, Elmina (I624)
139 enlisted in the Civil War with Audley M Harrison Jr. Their record indicates they signed up on the same date and same location.
Harrison, Samuel (I108)
140 Facts are: After divorcing Uncle Mike S. N. Hennessee, Fay May married Jim Hennessee, known as Jim "Peck". They lived in Lawton just South of Lee Blvd. Jim Hennessee had a brother Tar Hennessee. Jim Peck came home one night and found Fay May in bed with Frank Reynolds. Fay May and Frank Reynolds were found dead and both had been shot. Jim Peck pled guilty and was sentenced with life in Prison. He died in McAlister Prison in Oklahoma and is buried there. Fay May Hennessee and Frank Reynolds do have the same date of death on their tomb stones and they are buried just 4 rows from each other at Pecan Cemetery just South of Lawton Oklahoma. Tar Hennessee is buried there also.

Story goes: That Jim Peck made and sold whisky at his house. Due to the whisky, many men came by the house when Fay May was home alone. Although Jim Peck pled guilty and died in prison, it has been said that his brother Tar Hennessee actually killed Frank Reynolds. Due to the age of Tar and his poor health, Jim Peck pled guilty. 
Hennessee, Fay Maye (I369)
141 First marriage was to Lisa Ann Leippe 6/14/86 Rodgers, Gary Ray (I317)
142 Floyd had 3 sons when he married Lena Boggs. His first wife Laura died from cancer. Sanders, Floyd (I162)
143 Fonda Bonner: Baron said Lorena remarried (a preacher) and they moved to Kansas. Don't know how Etta Jewel ended up in CA. He said that Buck & Lois visited her out here on one of their trips with Archie & Mary (before I joined the family). Tripp, Lorena (I394)
144 Frank and Nancy were married by S. M. Hennessee (Samuel McGee Hennessee born 1831 who is Frank's brother), Justice of the Peace. Family F446
145 Frank was a traveling man. He might have died in bonham Texas. At Doyal it was spring and he was the son of a double cousin of Cassie's father. Traveling in Tx in a model T he had car trouble pulled over to work on his car and two drunks hit im and crushed him on the rail on a bridge and Lois had to pick up his head. This was very distressing to Lois she was 8, sisters were 4 and 4 months. This left Pearl with 4 kids during the depression. They went to the father in law William "Billie" Hennessee and he took them under his wing and took care of them. Pearl picked cotton and sewed for her children. Lois willed her things to Marie Jones. Story told by Cassie Harrison Bevis who's father was George W. "Sandy" Harrison
Hennessee, C Frank (I571)
146 Fred and Joy were married in a church in Lawton, Comanche County, Oklahoma. After the wedding they went to the home of Joy's aunt and uncle, Archie and Mary Harrison. This is where they had a small reception for family and friends and where their wedding photos were taken.
Family F152
147 George is on the 1840 Census in Warren County, Tennessee page 537, living with his wife and another male who is 15 to 20 years old.

Harrison, George (I830)
148 George was a master carpenter. He was a perfectionist. Harrison, George L. (I824)
149 George's birthday was corrected from November to October upon the discovery of his Obituary, which was typed from the original which was too damaged to scan. Harrison, George W. (I634)
150 Gilbert Hennessee weighed 18 pounds at birth. He was not physically healthy and died at a young age. Hennessee, Gilbert Alexander (I659)

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